August 4, 2009

Workshop Basic Writing & Translating #2

halo, popollz,.

Tadi aku kemari, waktu kamu sedang tidur. Tadinya mau kubangunkan, tapi ngak tega. Nampaknya kamu nenyak sekali. Jadi terpaksa aku buat memo ini. Maksudku mau menanyakan soal pekerjaan rumah Bahasa Inggris yang kemarin, waktu aku nggak masuk kelas.

Tapi begini saja deh!! Di dekat rumahmu 'kan ada telepon umum, jadi tolong nanti telpon ke rumahku soal pekerjaan rumah tersebut. Ngomong lengkapnya nanti aja deh, di telepon. Soalnya kalau kutulis di memo ini akan terlalu panjang, padahal aku harus ngomong banyak. Jadi gitu aja deh, yah! Sekali lagi, tolong telepon aku antara pukul 5-6 an, atau pas maghrib karena kalau maghrib aku pasti ada di rumah. Tapi kalau sesudah maghrib, biasanya aku akan keluar sebentar untuk cari makanan. Atau kalau tidak, boleh saja kamu telepon agak malaman, asal jangan terlalu malam Kalau lewat pukul sepuluh biasanya aku sudah tidur. Lagipula, kalau terlalu malam aku tidak punya waktu mengerjakan PR-nya. Sekian dulu, ya !! Terima kasih banget!.



Dear popollz,

Just now I came here, when you were slipping. I would wake you up but I didn't dare. It seemed that you were in deep sleep, so I had to write this memo. I wanted to ask you about the last english home work when i was absent from class.

To the point, near your house there is a public telephone, so please call me me regarding that home work. We could talk a lot at the phone letter. Because if I write it in this memo it could be too long. as a matter a fact (actually) i have to talk much. That's all, once more please call me between 5-6 o'clock or at dusk. Because at dusk i will be at home. But after that I usually go out for dinner for a while. Or if not, you can call me rather late but don't to late. after ten a clock i usually go to the bad (after ten o'clock I will have been sleeping). moreover, if too late I wont have time to do the home work. that's all, Thanks!!



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